There are a number of resources available for new picture book writers online. I am happy to share the links of those I found most helpful to me.
1. Lisa Michaels - Skillshare classes,
Lisa is a professional illustrator and author of children’s literature. Her classes on skillshare were my first formal education on writing picture books. Lisa does an amazing job of laying the foundation.
2. Josh Funk
Josh Funk is a software engineer and the author of books like the Lady Pancake & Sir French Toastseries, the It's Not a Fairy Taleseries, the How to Code with Pearl and Pascalseries, the A Story of Patience & Fortitude series, Dear Dragon, Pirasaurs!, Albie Newton, and more.
3. Jackie Hosking
Jackie writes rhyming poems for children. She is offers an editing service which is a great resource if you need an expert set of eyes on your rhyming picture book.
4. Renée M. LaTulippe
Renée is an expert in rhyme and meter. She provides weekly free lessons and Peek&Critique sessions for children's writers on her YouTube channel, and blogs on children’s poetry at
5. Lynne- Marie (Picture Book Mechanic)
Lynnne offers critique and/or mentoring services to picture book writers. She critiques hundreds of picture book manuscripts each year with the goal of helping writers become published.